Nancy Colier

Are You A Blamer? How to Break the Blaming Habit.

This is the third blog in a series on the topic of blame.  The first two blogs were written to help those who feel consistently blamed while this installment in for those who do the blaming.  It was not my original intention to write a piece for blamers, but I was inundated with (and inspired […]

When Someone We Love Believes Something We Hate

A dear friend believes something that I think is absurd — unimaginable in fact. That he could think what he thinks is not just absurd and unimaginable to me, but also distasteful, and profoundly difficult to respect. Complicating the matter in this case is that what he believes is something that I “should” do, that […]

The #1 Most Important Relationship Skill

I received an outpouring of feedback on my recent blog, “What We Really Want and Almost Never Get,” about the profound importance of listening in relationships. The comments confirm that what men and women alike most desire in our relationships is to be heard without judgment and understood where we are. So many have poignantly […]

What We Want Most From Relationships (But Rarely Get)

Most couples come to see me to learn better communication skills—or at least that’s what they say in the first session. What gets described as communication problems, however, are in fact usually listening problems. The truth is, we’re not very good listeners; we don’t know (and are not taught) how to listen to each other, at least not in […]

How to Live in the Real World (Minus One Troubling Word)

Of all the words that exist in our language, “should” may be the one that creates the most suffering. Every aspect of our life is affected and infiltrated by it: I “should” be, he/she “should” be, my life “should” be, this moment “should” be… Sometimes we utter our “shoulds” out loud, sometimes we think them consciously, […]

Loving Yourself on Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day coming, love is the topic of the moment. When we think about love, we generally think in terms of who loves us and whom we love, both of which refer to others. But what if Valentine’s Day were really about falling in love with ourselves, cherishing ourselves, and knowing ourselves as manifestations […]

Has Personal Technology Killed the Magic of Travel?

I recently traveled out of the country. What was most striking about this recent trip was the constant and inescapable presence of personal technology. At the airport, on the airplane, in the customs line, at the baggage claim, in the hotel lobby, at the hotel bar, by the pool, on the beach, in the cafes, […]

Burnt Paws and Broken Spirits: What Happens When the Circus Lights Go Out?

I grew up going to the circus. As a little girl, it felt like a place of innocent fun and joy. I believed that circus animals were also having fun as they did their amazing tricks, and of course being treated with the kindness and compassion that they deserved. I also believed that their handlers […]

When “Helping” Becomes Enabling: Breaking the Cycle of Dependency

Like most people, my journey to the land of enabling was fueled by the kindest intentions. I was trying to help a friend, which then grew into trying to save that friend. But after years of “helping” and “saving,” I was the one going under, and it was myself that I needed to save. As […]