Nancy Colier

How to Be a Good Parent in a Digitally-Addicted World

I write and speak a lot on digital life, what it’s doing to us psychologically, spiritually, socially and as a society. What we can do to create a sense of wellbeing and freedom in the midst of what often feels like a world gone mad.  Regardless of where I am or to whom I’m speaking […]

Why You Should Stop Asking Google What to Do With Your Life

At the last minute my afternoon meeting was cancelled. And so, unexpectedly, I was presented with a substantial chunk of unscheduled time, five hours of open, unfilled space with which I could do whatever I wanted. I immediately flipped open my laptop and started researching. Researching what?  Everything, anything, something that would interest me, something to […]

The Resident: Resolution 2017: A New (Balanced) Relationship with Technology

Find freedom in your relationship with technology.  New year, new you! The most important thing is to remember the most important thing.  What makes for a meaningful life?  What do we really need and want?  Is our Smartphone the answer that will bring lasting happiness? As a psychotherapist and… Read more: http://resident.com/resident-magazine-january-2017/ 

Are You Addicted to Your Smartphone?

Ah, the smartphone. You sneak a peek at the Thanksgiving table. Your significant other is emailing during the Sunday sermon. Your teen-aged daughter — who barely talks at all anymore — is awake and online with her friends most of the night. Your dog is texting you from the foot of your bed. OK, maybe […]

Breaking up the Dysfunctional Relationship with Technology

We can all agree technology has many advantages. To list a few, technology promotes education, helps keep us safe, provides a closer reach to those who were once out of reach, saves lives, keeps us connected with instantaneous communications, and most importantly, allows a virtual window for some (you know who you are) to peek […]