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The Emotionally Exhausted Woman: Why You're Feeling Depleted & How To Get What You Need

Are you feeling emotionally exhausted? Do you worry about being likable (at all cost)? Are you trying to do it all and be it all—all the time? This radically different self-care guide will help you find the courage needed to express your deepest needs, nurture self-awareness, and be yourself in a world that expects you to be everything to everyone.


Can't Stop Thinking: How to Let Go of Anxiety and Free Yourself from Obsessive Rumination

Are you a chronic overthinker? Do you obsess to the point of feeling anxious, hopeless, angry, or stressed out? Have you ever tried to “think your way out” of one of these negative thought spirals, only to fall in deeper? Let’s face it: trying to escape your thoughts—or control them—just doesn’t work, and can actually make you more miserable in the long run. So, how can you overcome your addiction to thinking?


The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World

Our reliance on technology is rapidly changing how each of us experiences life. We’re facing new issues and difficulties, we’re encountering new emotional triggers, and we’re relating to each other in new ways. As Dr. Nancy Colier writes, “How we spend our time, what motivates us, and what we want are all are on a radical course of transformation.” The promise of technology is that it will make our lives easier; yet to realize that promise, we cannot be passive users—we must bring awareness and mindfulness to our relationships with our devices.


Inviting a Monkey to Tea: Befriending Your Mind and Discovering Lasting Contentment

To “invite a monkey to tea” is to befriend our own mind-which is often compared to a drunken monkey for all its mad twists and turns. A wild monkey is full of irrepressible desires, and thus chases its own tail in its search for happiness! This book is about learning to welcome the mind as ally without fear or resistance, thus relaxing that frantic search and resting in the joy of who we already are. As a psychotherapist, author Nancy Colier has accompanied hundreds of people in their “search for happiness” for nearly two decades. 


Getting Out of Your Own Way: Unlocking Your True Performance Potential

The primary obstacle to successful performance of any kind is our own mind. In a clear and compassionate style, Colier shows us how to understand and overcome the psychological barriers that keep us from achieving our full potential. The book demonstrates how to radically change our relationship with negative thoughts, move beyond comparison, self-doubt, and jealousy, and stop chasing a perfect and unattainable future and start living the moment that’s here now. Colier presents an “inside-out” approach, and ultimately, teaches us how to build a a strong and reliable core self, from which all performance is born. She offers a ground-breaking new approach to performance, competition, and life.