Making Friends with Fear
My dear friend is in a new relationship. It is her first in nearly a decade. It has been only a short time, but she is positively head over heels in love with this new man. It was a delight to listen as my friend sang her new boyfriend’s praises and expressed her deep joy […]
And Not But: Celebrating Contradiction in Relationship
The Sweetness of Life: Joy as a Practice
The Joy of Connection in One Simple Step
Brands ‘R’ Us: Identity Crisis in the Age of Technology
Why Meditate?
True Friendship Can Handle The Truth
Happily Ever After?
In the online simulation game, The Sims, when an avatar accomplishes all of her lifetime aspirations, she achieves Permanent Platinum status, otherwise known as permanent happiness. Once Permanently Platinum, her mood bar cannot slip below a certain level and her environment no longer impacts her happiness. She is frozen in happiness. Interestingly, when I spoke […]
True Strength: Learning to Feel What Is sadness_b_1271422.html
Virtual Community: Can We Survive It?