Nancy Colier

Breaking up the Dysfunctional Relationship with Technology

We can all agree technology has many advantages. To list a few, technology promotes education, helps keep us safe, provides a closer reach to those who were once out of reach, saves lives, keeps us connected with instantaneous communications, and most importantly, allows a virtual window for some (you know who you are) to peek […]

Spirituality and Health: The Power of Off

Scary as it is to admit, I once walked by my own children at the end of a workday, offering them just a quick nod on my way to get to my email, and it wasn’t as if I was expecting a note from the president. I am not alone in this. For me, this […]

JCC Manhattan: Talk and Conversation

JCC Manhattan: December 4th, 2016 @2 PM.  Join me for a talk and conversation on THE POWER OF OFF: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World.  Tickets: http://ebiz.jccmanhattan.org/PersonifyEBusiness/Default.aspx?TabID=416&pid=647039406&_ga=1.159485822.2145881203.1456776946

Straight Talk with Nick Lawrence

Straight Talk with Nick Lawrence .  The Power of Off, by Psychotherapist, Interfaith Minister, and Author, Nancy Colier, is all about: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World. Author Colier says, that our minds are becoming “digitally marinated” so much so, that it creates a  form of “technical anesthesia”, where we are never disconnected […]

InspireNation with Michael Sandler

Nancy Colier on Getting Un-Twired, Staying Sane & Feeling Better in a Virtual Overwhelm World! Straight Talk with Nick Lawerence. The Power of Off, by Psychotherapist, Interfaith Minister, and Author, Nancy Colier, is all about: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World. Author Colier says, that our minds are becoming “digitally marinated” so much so, that […]

Freedom In Technology Not From Technology

These days it can feel impossible to get just 5 minutes with no distraction and dare I even say it, quiet. The noise and demands of technology are relentless and seemingly inescapable. We are living without any distinction between on and off, public and private time, or space.  Even at home, the world keeps coming […]

Are You a Cellphone Addict? What Now?

Did you know that the average person checks their cell phone 150 times per day? YES! That is crazy! We live in a world where everyday conversations have become urgent and we’re always available on demand. That’s mostly because we’ve become addicted to our cellphones. But the answer isn’t just to turn them off. I […]