Can a Relationship Recover From Resentment?

As a relationship-oriented therapist, I am often asked “What’s the biggest problem couples face?”  The easy answers are money and sex, but neither would be exactly true or at least not what has walked into my office or my life.  The most common problem I see in intimate partnerships is what I call, t Paula […]

When We Shame Ourselves: How to Unhook from Self-Shaming Thoughts

For many (dare I say most) people, spending time with parents can unleash some pretty strong emotions. No matter how grown up we are, our original family can put us in touch with deep hurts, primal longings, unmet needs… a tsunami of feelings. If we want to challenge every ounce of peace, wellbeing, compassion, wisdom and strength […]

The One Decision That Will Radically Improve Your Family Life

If you’re a mom then I’m certain you know the experience of telling your child to do something and getting no response, and then telling your child to do it again and getting no response, and then telling your child once again and getting no response, and then becoming frustrated and possibly raising your voice, and […]

GOOD MORNING AMERICA: Cellphones and Anxiety

Spending too much time on your phone may be causing you to feel stress and anxiety, experts are warning.  All of ths attention to technology, and the mind, and thoughts is coming at a great expense to the other aspects of what human beings need to feel well

Why Happiness Doesn’t Last, and Why That’s Okay–Part 1

Happiness is an addiction and we are hooked.  Happiness is an addiction because our monkey mind convinces us that we are not okay if we don’t get our fix of it.  It is an addiction because it provides relief for short periods of time and then fails us over and over again.  It is an addiction because we […]

How to Live Peacefully with Repetitive Negative Thoughts

Do you have repetitive negative thoughts? If so, the diagnosis is confirmed: You’re human. The Laboratory of Neuro-Imaging reports that the average person experiences 70,000 thoughts per day. As a psychotherapist, I can say with certainty that a large percentage of the 70,000 are about what can go wrong, what did go wrong, what will go wrong, what […]

Why You Should Stop Asking Google What to Do With Your Life

At the last minute my afternoon meeting was cancelled. And so, unexpectedly, I was presented with a substantial chunk of unscheduled time, five hours of open, unfilled space with which I could do whatever I wanted. I immediately flipped open my laptop and started researching. Researching what?  Everything, anything, something that would interest me, something to […]

CBS Radio with Nancy Colier and Dr. Pat Farnack

Nancy Colier, Psychotherapist and Author of “The Power of Off” Nancy Colier is a Manhattan psychotherapist, life coach, and author of “The Power of Off.” She talks about how use of our devices has really affected our entire world, and not always for the better.

4 Steps to Stop Blaming

This is the third blog in a series on blame. I wrote the first two blogs to help those who feel consistently blamed, while this installment is for those who do the blaming. It was not my original intention to write a piece for blamers, but I was inundated with (and inspired by) emails from readers who self-identified as […]