Nancy Colier

Why Surrender is So Powerful, and How to Experience It?

Surrender is at the heart of all spiritual practice; no path is more powerful or profound.  But what does it mean to surrender?  And what does it not mean? Surrender is too often misunderstood, boiled down to a few affirmations about “letting go,” and then misused as a self-help instruction. But, in our misunderstanding, in our trying to do surrender with […]

How to Make Every Day Feel Sacred: Cultivating the Profound Inside the Mundane

I recently returned from a remarkable and different kind of weekend.  It was a weekend infused with poetry, ritual, music, beauty and kindness.  Three days dedicated to bringing meaning to the surface of life, up from the hidden depths where it normally lives.  We listened to the exquisite words of the poet David Whyte, resonated with stories of love, friendship, […]