Am I Supposed to Be My Kid’s Friend?

I give frequent talks to parents on issues related to technology.  After my presentations, parents ask for advice in managing their children’s behavior.  I hear similar questions and worries everywhere I go, with slight variations depending on the population of my audience.  However, I am nearly always met with one specific concern that comes in […]

Do You Need “Amazing” Experiences to Feel Alive?

Experience is the new it thing. We’re experience junkies, chasing experiences like storm chasers chase tornados. Walk into any shop and it’s all about the experience—free water, espresso, salespeople that like you, home-baked cookies, in-store entertainment, shoulder rubs, and the list goes on. On social media, it’s all about posting photos of ourselves having amazing and of […]

Mindful Speech: Using Your Words to Help Not Harm

When we want our kids to express themselves in ways other than tantrumming or throwing peas at the dog, we say “Use your words.”  But I often wonder, do adults really know how to use our words skillfully, in ways that help and don’t harm? This morning I was on a train listening to a mother […]

New York Open Center – November 11, 2017

The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Present (and Sane) in a Virtual World Do you compulsively check your smartphone? Always connected to the Web? When did you last see your child’s face without the glow of a screen on it? Our addiction to technology is real. In the digital world, we have […]

Rewire Me Rose Caiola interviews Nancy Colier, The Power of Off

Do you compulsively check your emails? Are you always plugged in? Let’s face it: Our society has an addiction to technology.  In this interview, Rose talks to Psychotherapist and Author, Nancy Colier, about her new book The Power of Off: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World, her story of being addicted to technology and […]

CBS Radio with Nancy Colier and Dr. Pat Farnack

Nancy Colier, Psychotherapist and Author of “The Power of Off” Nancy Colier is a Manhattan psychotherapist, life coach, and author of “The Power of Off.” She talks about how use of our devices has really affected our entire world, and not always for the better.

Breaking up the Dysfunctional Relationship with Technology

We can all agree technology has many advantages. To list a few, technology promotes education, helps keep us safe, provides a closer reach to those who were once out of reach, saves lives, keeps us connected with instantaneous communications, and most importantly, allows a virtual window for some (you know who you are) to peek […]