Nancy Colier

92Y Conversation with Nancy Colier and Rohan Gunatillake

Rohan Gunatillake, creator of the buddhify app and author of Modern Mindfulness: How to Be More Relaxed, Focused, and Kind While Living in a Fast, Digital, Always-On World, talks with Nancy Colier, psychotherapist and author of The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World, about practical, real-world mindfulness techniques […]

Falling Through the Cracks with Dr. Rebecca Risk

In the hustle and bustle of today’s world it’s easy to get lost in the matrix of technology.  We often forget to put our phones down and connect with those around us. In Nancy Colier’s new book “The Power of Off,” she is helping people put down their phones, turn off their computers and rediscover […]

When “Posting” Your Life is More Important Than Living It

On a recent visit to the Museum of Modern Art with a friend and her daughter, meandering through the museum’s exhibits, I was struck by how often my friend’s 13-year-old daughter asked us to take photos of her (on her Smartphone) in front of the artwork.  Her head tilted, she gazed contemplatively at the pieces, the […]

Who’s In Charge, Computers or Humans?

Something remarkable happened yesterday, not remarkable good but remarkable crazy.  I was riding in one of the new group taxis that have taken over New York City, and we were traveling from midtown West to midtown East.  I was the next to be dropped off and there were umpteen routes that we could take to […]

Have You Lost Your Child to the Smartphone?

I recently reached out to a number of parents, six to be exact, about my concern for our children and what personal technology is doing to their minds, moods, behavior, relationships, and just about everything else. Specifically, I pointed out what I witness: the constant need for distraction, relating to the device rather than the […]

Has Personal Technology Killed the Magic of Travel?

I recently traveled out of the country. What was most striking about this recent trip was the constant and inescapable presence of personal technology. At the airport, on the airplane, in the customs line, at the baggage claim, in the hotel lobby, at the hotel bar, by the pool, on the beach, in the cafes, […]

Is Anyone Worth Turning Off Your Phone?

A client of mine is separating from her husband because he cannot separate from his iPhone. These days, when couples go out to eat together, the first thing they do is pull out their devices, if they are not already in their clutches, and place them on the table between each other. There is nothing […]

Has Technology Killed Down-Time?

A woman I know is afraid to go to bed at night. She’s not afraid of the dark or of having a nightmare. She’s not afraid of someone breaking into her apartment or of dying in her sleep. What she’s afraid of is open time with herself, the down time/unfocused space that bedtime brings, when […]