Nancy Colier

We Are Using The Same Words But Are We Speaking The Same Language?

I learn a lot from the comments I receive on my blogs. I learn not only about what resonates and is helpful for people, but also about who we are and how we think, communication itself, which then teaches me more about what might be helpful going forward. There are some teachings that I re-learn […]

Why Our Thoughts Are Not Real

Did you ever realize that everything going on in your mind, every thought, feeling, sensation, everything you are aware of, is in fact happening only in your private internal world? Your thoughts appear only to you, and are not being heard by anyone else whatsoever. There is one physical world here on earth, but billions […]

Prescription for Happiness: Living WithOUT Intention

We are a culture of doers. “What can I do?” “What should I do?” And the double do… “What do I do?” We are conditioned to believe that we need to do something to be happy and really, just to be okay. We need to do something in order to get the something or someone […]

How to Ask a Friend for What You REALLY Need

We all go through hard times now and again. And when the hard times come, we need good friends to help us through. I have been hearing a lot of stories about friendship lately, and it has gotten me thinking about what we really want and need from our friends, particularly when we are in […]

When Old Friends Stop Being Good Friends

Friendships change, and not always for the better. Sometimes we find that a friend with whom we have had a long and important relationship is no longer someone that we particularly like or enjoy being around. Perhaps the friend has changed and become someone different or perhaps we have changed, and what used to work […]

Finding Permanence in a Pixelated World

Last week, I went to Friday night services at synagogue. Immediately following, and all week in fact, I have been aware of feeling profoundly human, grounded and well — a part of something much larger than just myself. As is customary, the evening included singing, meditation and a talk by the rabbi. The topic of […]

How to Stop Judging Our Own Desires

So many of us judge the worthiness of our activities based on the nature of the activity itself rather than the intention/opportunity for growth behind it.  We decide that we want to study jewelry making, folk guitar, pottery, balloon-twisting, baking, or anything else.  Soon after, we ask “What’s the purpose of doing that?” “Aren’t I […]

When Will This Exact Moment Matter?

In my last blog, I spoke about one of the reasons that we have such a hard time being present in the NOW.  In short, we cannot enter the NOW and must remain outside it, watching it, managing it, in order to protect our identity: how we will be seen as a result of our […]

Stop the Train and Let Me Into My Life!

Stop the train, i want to get off!  This is the refrain I hear all day in my office.  The feeling is that life is whizzing by outside a window and needs to somehow stop so you can actually experience it.  What is the cause of this?  We are not experiencing our life because we […]