IDO Podcast: Is Your Partner in Love With Their Phone?
114: Is Your Partner In Love With Their Phone?
Rewire Me Rose Caiola interviews Nancy Colier, The Power of Off
Do you compulsively check your emails? Are you always plugged in? Let’s face it: Our society has an addiction to technology. In this interview, Rose talks to Psychotherapist and Author, Nancy Colier, about her new book The Power of Off: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World, her story of being addicted to technology and […]
The Resident: Resolution 2017: A New (Balanced) Relationship with Technology
Find freedom in your relationship with technology. New year, new you! The most important thing is to remember the most important thing. What makes for a meaningful life? What do we really need and want? Is our Smartphone the answer that will bring lasting happiness? As a psychotherapist and… Read more:
CBS Radio with Nancy Colier and Dr. Pat Farnack
Nancy Colier, Psychotherapist and Author of “The Power of Off” Nancy Colier is a Manhattan psychotherapist, life coach, and author of “The Power of Off.” She talks about how use of our devices has really affected our entire world, and not always for the better.
How Long Should I Wait For My Partner to Commit?
Commitment is a topic that brings a lot of couples into therapy. While it has a single definition, it holds infinite meanings. For many women and men, commitment includes an emotional acknowledgment of a we, in that we are with each other and choosing to be part of the couple. And on a practical level, the possibility then […]
Digital Detox – Power of Off – NBC Connecticut
NBC Connecticut talks digital detox with Nancy Colier, The Power of Off!
Falling Through the Cracks with Dr. Rebecca Risk
In the hustle and bustle of today’s world it’s easy to get lost in the matrix of technology. We often forget to put our phones down and connect with those around us. In Nancy Colier’s new book “The Power of Off,” she is helping people put down their phones, turn off their computers and rediscover […]
Redbook Magazine: Unplug a Little, Gain a Lot
See the article on The Power of Off in the Dec/Jan issue of Redbook Magazine!
Straight Talk with Nick Lawrence
Straight Talk with Nick Lawrence . The Power of Off, by Psychotherapist, Interfaith Minister, and Author, Nancy Colier, is all about: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World. Author Colier says, that our minds are becoming “digitally marinated” so much so, that it creates a form of “technical anesthesia”, where we are never disconnected […]
Inspirenation Podcast: Live an Inspiring Life!
Michael Sandler’s new Podcast: Are you ready for a digital detox? Want to get your life back from your Smartphone?