How Thoughts Get in the Way of Being Present
If just one word were to go in a time capsule to represent our society right now, the word would have to be “mindfulness.” Mindfulness is in every book title, workshop, conversation, idea, and everything else we now encounter. We’re a society obsessed with mindfulness. So what is this thing we’re all talking about and presumably trying to create? And […]
The One Decision That Will Radically Improve Your Family Life
If you’re a mom then I’m certain you know the experience of telling your child to do something and getting no response, and then telling your child to do it again and getting no response, and then telling your child once again and getting no response, and then becoming frustrated and possibly raising your voice, and […]
The Conscious Consultant: Live with Nancy Colier
Interview with Sam Leibowitz, the Conscious Consultant. How to live a mindful life in a virtual world: The Power of Off:
Fire it Up with CJ Liu and Nancy Colier
CJ interviews Nancy Colier on her book “The Power of Off”. Why is spacious and quiet so important? How do technology distractions keep us from experirencing oursleves? What critical aspects of ourselves do we lose when we opt for ease of technology? What are 6 markers of any addiction?
The Neuroscience of… Everything
Is there anything one can read these days that isn’t about neruoscience? Could there be anything left to scan in the MRI tube? Those parts of life that used to be considered emotional, experiential, sensorial, or just plain mysterious are now being figured out and cerebral-ized by brain scientists. Neuroscience claims to have cracked the code on love, romance, sexuality, homosexuality, attachment, creativity, courage, happiness, grief, conscience, intuition, morality, appetite, […]
It’s All Happening with Zach Leary
Zach Leary and Nancy Colier talk technology and living a nourishing life!
Why Surrender is So Powerful, and How to Experience It?
Surrender is at the heart of all spiritual practice; no path is more powerful or profound. But what does it mean to surrender? And what does it not mean? Surrender is too often misunderstood, boiled down to a few affirmations about “letting go,” and then misused as a self-help instruction. But, in our misunderstanding, in our trying to do surrender with […]
Your Truest Friend Resides Within Your Own Heart
As we age it seems that fighting with friends becomes less necessary or even possible. There are fewer matters worth fighting about and even fewer worth risking the friendship over. That said, I recently had a real fight with a dear friend. The fight arose because my friend had decided that I had done something […]