How to Relax When You Don’t Have the Answers

The first time it was suggested to me that I stop trying to think up a solu­tion to the situation I was trying desperately to solve, to figure it all out, it sounded a lovely idea. But truth be told, I had no idea how to put this advice into action. Resolution, for me, had […]

Why You Can’t “Figure Out” Your Way to Happiness

We spend our early years learning how to do stuff; we learn to walk, talk, read, play sports, have conversations and everything in between.  Early on, we’re indoctrinated into the belief that knowing things holds weight and is important for our happiness and even survival.  Knowing makes us valid, valuable, powerful, sought after, and many other positive things.  Knowing makes […]

Meditation for Peace

Nancy Colier leads us on a journey from the head into the body, from the noise and chaos of mind into the silence and peace always awaiting us, here, in the body, if we’re willing to bring our attention to it. Meditation for Peace:

Spiritual Beings On a Human Journey: How to Remember Our Stardust

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Most of us have heard these words from the French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. And for most of us, there is something about this idea that resonates at a very primordial level. Something in us knows, deep […]

When Old Friends Stop Being Good Friends

Friendships change, and not always for the better. Sometimes we find that a friend with whom we have had a long and important relationship is no longer someone that we particularly like or enjoy being around. Perhaps the friend has changed and become someone different or perhaps we have changed, and what used to work […]

Craving Silence? Reach for Your Cell Phone!

As many of you know, I have been a concerned critic on the topic of technology and its affect on our ability to relate to each other and on consciousness in general.  But today, in honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I feel moved to express my gratitude to technology and specifically, the modern device […]