Nancy Colier

Are Your Thoughts True? Do You Even Believe Them?

I was recently taking a walk with my closest friend, hand in hand, enjoying each other’s company and kidding around as we usually do. My friend, who is a bit of a loner, made a joke that he doesn’t make friends easily, to which I sweetly and playfully replied, “Well you made friends with me, a long […]

Why You Can’t “Figure Out” Your Way to Happiness

We spend our early years learning how to do stuff; we learn to walk, talk, read, play sports, have conversations and everything in between.  Early on, we’re indoctrinated into the belief that knowing things holds weight and is important for our happiness and even survival.  Knowing makes us valid, valuable, powerful, sought after, and many other positive things.  Knowing makes […]

Our Phones Are Getting Smarter But Are We Getting Dumber?

Nearly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein wrote the following: “I fear the day when technology will surpass our human interaction. We will have a generation of idiots.” As anyone who knows my blog knows, I also worry about what technology is doing to us as a species. And lately, I worry specifically about how our […]