Nancy Colier

When Old Friends Stop Being Good Friends

Friendships change, and not always for the better. Sometimes we find that a friend with whom we have had a long and important relationship is no longer someone that we particularly like or enjoy being around. Perhaps the friend has changed and become someone different or perhaps we have changed, and what used to work […]

Letting Go of Toxic People: When Staying In It is NOT More Spiritual

We all have people in our lives who have profoundly harmed us. Sometimes the situation with the other person has changed. You may have forgiven them and they may even have taken ownership and expressed remorse for their harmful actions. Other times, the same harmful behavior goes on with no change or responsibility. To your […]

Finding Permanence in a Pixelated World

Last week, I went to Friday night services at synagogue. Immediately following, and all week in fact, I have been aware of feeling profoundly human, grounded and well — a part of something much larger than just myself. As is customary, the evening included singing, meditation and a talk by the rabbi. The topic of […]

Why We Are Addicted to Checking Email… and How to Get Your Life Back

I check email more often than I should, and more often than I enjoy. I am not alone in this. I have clients and friends who check their email up to 100 times per day. Some, even more. Given the amount of pleasure that email actually delivers, it seems that the urge to check it […]

Does Self-Love Mean Self-Ish? Why We Are Afraid to Take Good Care of Ourselves

We talk a lot about self-care in this culture, but what does self-care really mean?  For most people, self-care translates to getting a massage, taking a walk, eating lunch away from our desk, enjoying an ice cream cone, putting on our oxygen mask first.  These are all valid self-caring activities, but a deeper level of […]

Self-Parenting 101: Learning to Take Your Own Side

How would you treat yourself if you were someone you loved? This is one of my favorite questions. It is not only instinctive to take good care of someone you love, but also to take good care of yourself. Unfortunately, we are trained to un-learn our loving instincts when it comes to ourselves. Many people […]

Searching for Now: How to Be Where You Are

As someone who turns out several blogs each month, I am deeply grateful for the invention of the diner. It is at the diner — a true laboratory for human behavior — that I gather much of my material. This morning, eavesdropping again, I overheard the woman in the seat beside me ask her male […]