Nancy Colier

Have You Lost Your Child to the Smartphone?

I recently reached out to a number of parents, six to be exact, about my concern for our children and what personal technology is doing to their minds, moods, behavior, relationships, and just about everything else. Specifically, I pointed out what I witness: the constant need for distraction, relating to the device rather than the […]

Why Blog?

Today I am beginning my blog.  Why?  Because I have written a book that I am now shopping to agents and publishers.  I am hearing the same thing back from each, “You do not have enough of a platform for us to get behind you.  The material may be fabulous but if we don’t know […]

Why Do We Blog? Part Two

It is quite clear to me as I go through this process of trying to get my book published that the business of creating a platform and selling myself is taking me as far away from the content of the work as humanly possible.  The book is about creating a consistent state of well-being,  a […]