Why You Should Stop Asking Google What to Do With Your Life

At the last minute, my afternoon meeting was canceled. And so, unexpectedly, I was presented with a substantial chunk of unscheduled time, five hours of open, unfilled space with which I could do whatever I wanted. I immediately flipped open my laptop and started researching. Researching what?  Everything, anything, something that would interest me, something to […]

The Aware Show with Lisa Garr and Nancy Colier

KPFK AWARE SHOW Topic: The Power of Off Interview Description:  Did you know that on average people are checking their phone over 150 times a day!?  Our reliance on technology is rapidly changing how each of us experiences life. We’re facing new issues and difficulties, we’re encountering new emotional triggers, and we’re relating to each […]

NY Public Library: The Power of Off with Nancy Colier

Author Talk: Nancy Colier            NY Public Library/January 17th, 2017 Nancy Colier comes to Muhlenberg Library to discuss and sign copies of her most recent book, The Power of Off: the Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World. Have you ever caught yourself checking your smartphone while you’re behind the wheel? https://www.nypl.org/events/programs/2017/01/17/author-talk-nancy-colier

Are You Afraid to Be With ‘Just’ Yourself (Without Your Smartphone)?

People often ask me how I think human beings are changing as a result of our addiction to technology. The fact is we are changing in innumerable ways but perhaps none more profound than in our relationship with ourselves, that is, how we experience our own company. It is paradoxical really.  On the one hand, we believe […]

How to Become Less Addicted to Your Phone?

Phone addiction is real and it’s infiltrated our everyday existence. It’s hard to be anywhere in public without seeing a surprising number of individuals glued to their smartphones—crossing the street, in the checkout line while shopping, sitting down to dinner with loved ones. “We are spending far too much of our time doing things that don’t really […]

Fire it Up with CJ Liu and Nancy Colier

CJ interviews Nancy Colier on her book “The Power of Off”. Why is spacious and quiet so important? How do technology distractions keep us from experirencing oursleves? What critical aspects of ourselves do we lose when we opt for ease of technology? What are 6 markers of any addiction?