Why Paying Attention to This Moment Creates Your Best Future

  Living in the present moment — it’s the practice at the heart of all mindfulness teachings, and the essence of well-being. But what is it, this thing we call being present? I’m not sure we all share the same answers for what it means, or if it even matters that we do. What does matter, however, is […]

How Thoughts Get in the Way of Being Present

If just one word were to go in a time capsule to represent our society right now, the word would have to be “mindfulness.” Mindfulness is in every book title, workshop, conversation, idea, and everything else we now encounter.  We’re a society obsessed with mindfulness.  So what is this thing we’re all talking about and presumably trying to create? And […]

Do You Feel Alone When You’re Together? How to Deepen Your Connection With Your Partner

A lot of couples show up in my office because they don’t feel deeply connected.  Often, one member of the couple feels like she can’t connect with her partner and is lonely in the relationship.  Couples describe intimate relationships that contain a paltry supply of real intimacy.  In light of this, I wanted to offer something I witnessed recently, which was […]

Digital Distraction: Are Smartphones Dumbing Down Students?

New York-based psychotherapist and author of The Power of Off , Nancy Colier says today’s teens — especially girls — are having to decide between social isolation and compulsive monitoring of social media. (Girls tend to use social media more for social interaction and celeb-following, while boys use it for gaming). With two children aged six […]

Rewire Me Rose Caiola interviews Nancy Colier, The Power of Off

Do you compulsively check your emails? Are you always plugged in? Let’s face it: Our society has an addiction to technology.  In this interview, Rose talks to Psychotherapist and Author, Nancy Colier, about her new book The Power of Off: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World, her story of being addicted to technology and […]

Why You Should Stop Asking Google What to Do With Your Life

At the last minute, my afternoon meeting was canceled. And so, unexpectedly, I was presented with a substantial chunk of unscheduled time, five hours of open, unfilled space with which I could do whatever I wanted. I immediately flipped open my laptop and started researching. Researching what?  Everything, anything, something that would interest me, something to […]

Fire it Up with CJ Liu and Nancy Colier

CJ interviews Nancy Colier on her book “The Power of Off”. Why is spacious and quiet so important? How do technology distractions keep us from experirencing oursleves? What critical aspects of ourselves do we lose when we opt for ease of technology? What are 6 markers of any addiction?

Forbes: Try the 30-Day Digital Detox Challenge

Have you ever caught yourself checking your smartphone while you’re behind the wheel — even though you know it’s dangerous? Do text alert chimes routinely make you interrupt conversations with the person sitting in front of you? Tech addiction is not just an idea. It’s here, it’s real and it’s taking over our lives. I […]

Next Avenue: 30-Day Digital Detox

Have you ever caught yourself checking your smartphone while you’re behind the wheel — even though you know it’s dangerous? Do text alert chimes routinely make you interrupt conversations with the person sitting in front of you? Tech addiction is not just an idea. It’s here, it’s real and it’s taking over our lives. I […]