How to Make Every Day Feel Sacred: Cultivating the Profound Inside the Mundane

I recently returned from a remarkable and different kind of weekend.  It was a weekend infused with poetry, ritual, music, beauty and kindness.  Three days dedicated to bringing meaning to the surface of life, up from the hidden depths where it normally lives.  We listened to the exquisite words of the poet David Whyte, resonated with stories of love, friendship, […]

The Most Important Question Of All: How Can I Help?

Something amazing happened to me. It was a very small event, but an event that is disappearing from our world, growing extinct. Because of how much it moved and surprised me, I find that I can’t stop thinking about it. And so, I write this blog today to honor a practice that is now the […]

Our Phones Are Getting Smarter But Are We Getting Dumber?

Nearly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein wrote the following: “I fear the day when technology will surpass our human interaction. We will have a generation of idiots.” As anyone who knows my blog knows, I also worry about what technology is doing to us as a species. And lately, I worry specifically about how our […]

How to Ask a Friend for What You REALLY Need

We all go through hard times now and again. And when the hard times come, we need good friends to help us through. I have been hearing a lot of stories about friendship lately, and it has gotten me thinking about what we really want and need from our friends, particularly when we are in […]

When Old Friends Stop Being Good Friends

Friendships change, and not always for the better. Sometimes we find that a friend with whom we have had a long and important relationship is no longer someone that we particularly like or enjoy being around. Perhaps the friend has changed and become someone different or perhaps we have changed, and what used to work […]

Letting Go of Toxic People: When Staying In It is NOT More Spiritual

We all have people in our lives who have profoundly harmed us. Sometimes the situation with the other person has changed. You may have forgiven them and they may even have taken ownership and expressed remorse for their harmful actions. Other times, the same harmful behavior goes on with no change or responsibility. To your […]

Finding Permanence in a Pixelated World

Last week, I went to Friday night services at synagogue. Immediately following, and all week in fact, I have been aware of feeling profoundly human, grounded and well — a part of something much larger than just myself. As is customary, the evening included singing, meditation and a talk by the rabbi. The topic of […]

Why We Are Addicted to Checking Email… and How to Get Your Life Back

I check email more often than I should, and more often than I enjoy. I am not alone in this. I have clients and friends who check their email up to 100 times per day. Some, even more. Given the amount of pleasure that email actually delivers, it seems that the urge to check it […]