The Resident: Resolution 2017: A New (Balanced) Relationship with Technology

Find freedom in your relationship with technology.  New year, new you! The most important thing is to remember the most important thing.  What makes for a meaningful life?  What do we really need and want?  Is our Smartphone the answer that will bring lasting happiness? As a psychotherapist and… Read more: 

Are You Addicted to Your Smartphone?

Ah, the smartphone. You sneak a peek at the Thanksgiving table. Your significant other is emailing during the Sunday sermon. Your teen-aged daughter — who barely talks at all anymore — is awake and online with her friends most of the night. Your dog is texting you from the foot of your bed. OK, maybe […]

The Neuroscience of… Everything

Is there anything one can read these days that isn’t about neruoscience?  Could there be anything left to scan in the MRI tube?  Those parts of life that used to be considered emotional, experiential, sensorial, or just plain mysterious are now being figured out and cerebral-ized by brain scientists.  Neuroscience claims to have cracked the code on love, romance, sexuality, homosexuality, attachment, creativity, courage, happiness, grief, conscience, intuition, morality, appetite, […]

How to Heal Defensiveness in Close Relationships

Most of us are defensive in close relationships. If we’re not, we have to interact with people who are. It is the relational disease of our culture and the one that imprisons and destroys intimacy, and prevents love and connection between partners and friends. Why are we so defensive and what are we so afraid of?  And… […]

CBS Radio with Nancy Colier and Dr. Pat Farnack

Nancy Colier, Psychotherapist and Author of “The Power of Off” Nancy Colier is a Manhattan psychotherapist, life coach, and author of “The Power of Off.” She talks about how use of our devices has really affected our entire world, and not always for the better.

Good Morning Washington with Nancy Colier

WASHINGTON (ABC7) — Our reliance on technology is rapidly changing how each of us experiences life. How we spend our time, what motivates us, even down to what we want. Psychotherapist, Interfaith Minister, and author of “Power of Off” Nancy Colier shared how to make use of the virtual world while still feeling good, having healthy relationships, and […]

Tiny Buddha: The Power of Off

Have you ever found yourself mindlessly surfing the web, hopping from one site to another, when you didn’t have any specific reason to be online? Maybe you were looking at a cute cat video on Facebook, and then you ended up taking a quiz to determine which Westworld character you are. And then, five listicles, […]

Breaking up the Dysfunctional Relationship with Technology

We can all agree technology has many advantages. To list a few, technology promotes education, helps keep us safe, provides a closer reach to those who were once out of reach, saves lives, keeps us connected with instantaneous communications, and most importantly, allows a virtual window for some (you know who you are) to peek […]

How Long Should I Wait For My Partner to Commit?

Commitment is a topic that brings a lot of couples into therapy. While it has a single definition, it holds infinite meanings. For many women and men, commitment includes an emotional acknowledgment of a we, in that we are with each other and choosing to be part of the couple. And on a practical level, the possibility then […]