Why Paying Attention to This Moment Creates Your Best Future
Living in the present moment — it’s the practice at the heart of all mindfulness teachings, and the essence of well-being. But what is it, this thing we call being present? I’m not sure we all share the same answers for what it means, or if it even matters that we do. What does matter, however, is […]
Has Personal Technology Killed the Magic of Travel?
I recently traveled out of the country. What was most striking about this recent trip was the constant and inescapable presence of personal technology. At the airport, on the airplane, in the customs line, at the baggage claim, in the hotel lobby, at the hotel bar, by the pool, on the beach, in the cafes, […]
How to Be IN the Present Moment When We Don’t Like the Present Moment
I always giggle when I see the photograph that accompanies blogs or articles on “being present.” The image is, nine times out of ten, from behind a person (usually a woman) who is sitting cross-legged on the beach, looking out at an ocean or other body of water, with the sun setting or rising in […]
When Will This Exact Moment Matter?
In my last blog, I spoke about one of the reasons that we have such a hard time being present in the NOW. In short, we cannot enter the NOW and must remain outside it, watching it, managing it, in order to protect our identity: how we will be seen as a result of our […]
More Reliable Than happiness
There is a state of being that is far more reliable than happiness. There is a place inside us that is okay regardless of whether the situation in our life is okay. I call this place wellness. We are well when we are no longer reliant upon our circumstances in order to feel grounded and good. We […]
Why Do We Blog? Part Two
It is quite clear to me as I go through this process of trying to get my book published that the business of creating a platform and selling myself is taking me as far away from the content of the work as humanly possible. The book is about creating a consistent state of well-being, a […]