Nancy Colier

New York Open Center – November 11, 2017

The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Present (and Sane) in a Virtual World Do you compulsively check your smartphone? Always connected to the Web? When did you last see your child’s face without the glow of a screen on it? Our addiction to technology is real. In the digital world, we have […]

Excessive cellphone use may cause anxiety, experts warn

Nancy Colier, a psychotherapist and author of the book, “The Power of Off,” emphasized to ABC News that the long-term dangers of this anxiety remain largely unknown. Read full article on abcnews.com: http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/excessive-cellphone-anxiety-experts-warn/story?id=48842476

Digital Distraction: Are Smartphones Dumbing Down Students?

New York-based psychotherapist and author of The Power of Off , Nancy Colier says today’s teens — especially girls — are having to decide between social isolation and compulsive monitoring of social media. (Girls tend to use social media more for social interaction and celeb-following, while boys use it for gaming). With two children aged six […]

Rewire Me Rose Caiola interviews Nancy Colier, The Power of Off

Do you compulsively check your emails? Are you always plugged in? Let’s face it: Our society has an addiction to technology.  In this interview, Rose talks to Psychotherapist and Author, Nancy Colier, about her new book The Power of Off: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World, her story of being addicted to technology and […]

How to Be a Good Parent in a Digitally-Addicted World

I write and speak a lot on digital life, what it’s doing to us psychologically, spiritually, socially and as a society. What we can do to create a sense of wellbeing and freedom in the midst of what often feels like a world gone mad.  Regardless of where I am or to whom I’m speaking […]