Nancy Colier

Change Your Attitude… Change Your Life

New Podcast with Joan Herrmann: Our reliance on technology is rapidly changing how each of us experiences life.  We’re facing new issues and difficulties, we’re encountering new emotional triggers… read more…

JCC Manhattan: Talk and Conversation

JCC Manhattan: December 4th, 2016 @2 PM.  Join me for a talk and conversation on THE POWER OF OFF: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World.  Tickets: http://ebiz.jccmanhattan.org/PersonifyEBusiness/Default.aspx?TabID=416&pid=647039406&_ga=1.159485822.2145881203.1456776946

InspireNation with Michael Sandler

Nancy Colier on Getting Un-Twired, Staying Sane & Feeling Better in a Virtual Overwhelm World! Straight Talk with Nick Lawerence. The Power of Off, by Psychotherapist, Interfaith Minister, and Author, Nancy Colier, is all about: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World. Author Colier says, that our minds are becoming “digitally marinated” so much so, that […]

Freedom In Technology Not From Technology

These days it can feel impossible to get just 5 minutes with no distraction and dare I even say it, quiet. The noise and demands of technology are relentless and seemingly inescapable. We are living without any distinction between on and off, public and private time, or space.  Even at home, the world keeps coming […]

Are You Addicted to Your CellPhone? Tips for Breaking the Habit

With the seemingly relentless and inescapable noise and demands of modern-day devices, getting a mere five minutes of distraction-free time, and dare I say peace and quiet, can seem near impossible. We are living in a time when there is no distinction between “on” and “off” or public and private time. Whether we realize it […]

“It’s All Happening” with Zach Leary

“It’s All Happening” with Zach Leary (new Podcast) One of the most important issues facing nearly everyone in the Western world is the onset of technology addiction. It’s effecting all of us. It’s so bad that we literally gather together in person yet don’t engage, we stare at our phones. Nancy Colier came . . […]

6 Tips for Successful Dating in the Digital Age

Technology has exploded our dating options and put dating effectively on amphetamines. The sheer quantity of choices gives us the feeling that we can and will meet someone through technology. How could we not? And yet, precisely because there is so much choice, we often don’t give the person we’ve met a real chance. If […]

Your Best Self in a Virtual World

“The Power of Off: Your Best Self in a Virtual World,” the new article in Best Self Magazine, based on my upcoming book, The Power of Off. Eight years ago, as a Facebook newbie, I read a post in which my good friend announced that she had gotten up for an early bike ride and […]