Nancy Colier

When “Posting” Your Life is More Important Than Living It

On a recent visit to the Museum of Modern Art with a friend and her daughter, meandering through the museum’s exhibits, I was struck by how often my friend’s 13-year-old daughter asked us to take photos of her (on her Smartphone) in front of the artwork.  Her head tilted, she gazed contemplatively at the pieces, the […]

Last-Minute-Itis: The Behavior Plague of Our Time

There is a technological plague afflicting our society. The scourge is called “Last-Minute-Itis.” To find out if you suffer from the disease, consult the following list of most common symptoms: -Frequently texting friends at the last minute to cancel plans, often once the friend has already reached the scheduled location. -Frequently cancelling plans with friends […]

Who’s In Charge, Computers or Humans?

Something remarkable happened yesterday, not remarkable good but remarkable crazy.  I was riding in one of the new group taxis that have taken over New York City, and we were traveling from midtown West to midtown East.  I was the next to be dropped off and there were umpteen routes that we could take to […]

Why Blog?

Today I am beginning my blog.  Why?  Because I have written a book that I am now shopping to agents and publishers.  I am hearing the same thing back from each, “You do not have enough of a platform for us to get behind you.  The material may be fabulous but if we don’t know […]

Why Do We Blog? Part Two

It is quite clear to me as I go through this process of trying to get my book published that the business of creating a platform and selling myself is taking me as far away from the content of the work as humanly possible.  The book is about creating a consistent state of well-being,  a […]