Keeping Your Life Simple, Even After the Pandemic is Over
Are you starting to feel anxious about the world opening up, about possibilities becoming possible again? We’re not there yet, but are you feeling a little nervous nonetheless, with maybe even a tinge of loss? For a lot of people, this phase of the pandemic is bringing with it a new and unexpected kind of stress. The anxiety that’s bubbling up right now is not about life closing […]
The Harder Life Gets the Softer We Need to Be
When life gets hard and things go wrong, the most counterintuitive and seemingly impossible choice is to relax, to soften, and find ease with what’s happening. How can we (and why should we) relax when life feels out of control, and not in a good way? When difficulty arises, we fight with it, brace against it. Our […]
Rushing to Be Okay Before You Are Okay
From the time we’re young, we’re taught to find the silver lining in every cloud, to search for the lesson in every challenge. Adversity is our teacher, darkness brings light, difficulty is an opportunity. Yes, that’s all useful, but sometimes, we rush the positive narrative before we’ve allowed ourselves to feel the actual feelings … the hard […]
Hitting the Pandemic Wall
How to keep going when you’re depleted and there’s no finish line in sight. As a society, we are hitting the proverbial wall in this pandemic. We’ve gone through the stage of being happy to clean out the closets, bake new goodies, catch up on every Netflix series we missed, or learn how to order a meal in a new language. And, through the […]
Keep It Juicy Podcast: Mindful Relationships
Nancy will be talking MINDFUL RELATIONSHIPS on the KEEP IT JUICY podcast. February 6, 2019
Nancy Colier at Young Presidents’ Organization – Family Week
Nancy Colier, Presenter, YPO Family Week, June 18-23, Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, FL. Do you compulsively check your smartphone? Are you always plugged in? When was the last time you saw your child’s face without the glow of a screen on it? Our relationship/addiction to technology is changing who we are and how we live. […]
Be Here Now Network Mindrolling with Raghu Markus
How to Look Out for Yourself
There are times in life when things fall apart, when we lose something deeply important, something that made us feel connected, grounded or safe. Sometimes a lot of things fall apart at the same time. There are times in life, for everyone, when it feels like all our safety nets get cut, and we are […]
Top Ten Practices for Being Present
By now, most of us know that now—here—is where we’re supposed to be. We get it that we are not living our life fully if we are always lost in thought, tumbling through a story about the past or future. But how do we do it? How do we actually bring ourselves into a state […]
How to Practice Mindfulness With No Special Skills
Mindfulness is hot, and like all hot topics, it comes with a lot of truths and a lot of falsehoods. Teaching mindfulness, I hear the same questions arising time and again, misunderstandings really about what mindfulness is and what it means as a practice or way of life. Indeed, most of the obstacles that we […]