Nancy Colier

Self-Parenting 101: Learning to Take Your Own Side

How would you treat yourself if you were someone you loved? This is one of my favorite questions. It is not only instinctive to take good care of someone you love, but also to take good care of yourself. Unfortunately, we are trained to un-learn our loving instincts when it comes to ourselves. Many people […]

Virtual Togetherness

When I first heard Eric Whitacre talk about his virtual choir and its debut on YouTube, a virtual choir and the power of crowds, I got the chills.  First, I was chilled by the music, Lux Aurumque (light and gold), which is heartbreaking and captivating, and like all great music, has the power to connect us […]

Craving Silence? Reach for Your Cell Phone!

As many of you know, I have been a concerned critic on the topic of technology and its affect on our ability to relate to each other and on consciousness in general.  But today, in honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I feel moved to express my gratitude to technology and specifically, the modern device […]

How to Stop Judging Our Own Desires

So many of us judge the worthiness of our activities based on the nature of the activity itself rather than the intention/opportunity for growth behind it.  We decide that we want to study jewelry making, folk guitar, pottery, balloon-twisting, baking, or anything else.  Soon after, we ask “What’s the purpose of doing that?” “Aren’t I […]

When Will This Exact Moment Matter?

In my last blog, I spoke about one of the reasons that we have such a hard time being present in the NOW.  In short, we cannot enter the NOW and must remain outside it, watching it, managing it, in order to protect our identity: how we will be seen as a result of our […]

Stop the Train and Let Me Into My Life!

Stop the train, i want to get off!  This is the refrain I hear all day in my office.  The feeling is that life is whizzing by outside a window and needs to somehow stop so you can actually experience it.  What is the cause of this?  We are not experiencing our life because we […]

More Reliable Than happiness

There is a state of being that is far more reliable than happiness.  There is a place inside us that is okay regardless of whether the situation in our life is okay.  I call this place wellness.  We are well when we are no longer reliant upon our circumstances in order to feel grounded and good.  We […]

Why Do We Blog? Part Two

It is quite clear to me as I go through this process of trying to get my book published that the business of creating a platform and selling myself is taking me as far away from the content of the work as humanly possible.  The book is about creating a consistent state of well-being,  a […]

Are We Only As Important as Our Platform?

I was told by several publishers that I would have to blog in order to strengthen my “platform” and get my book published by a major press.  Sadly, all this technology, this business of getting a platform, is entirely in contradiction to the message of my book, namely, being well.  The UN-Happiness Project: How to […]