Nancy Colier

InspireNation with Michael Sandler

Nancy Colier on Getting Un-Twired, Staying Sane & Feeling Better in a Virtual Overwhelm World! Straight Talk with Nick Lawerence. The Power of Off, by Psychotherapist, Interfaith Minister, and Author, Nancy Colier, is all about: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World. Author Colier says, that our minds are becoming “digitally marinated” so much so, that […]

Freedom In Technology Not From Technology

These days it can feel impossible to get just 5 minutes with no distraction and dare I even say it, quiet. The noise and demands of technology are relentless and seemingly inescapable. We are living without any distinction between on and off, public and private time, or space.  Even at home, the world keeps coming […]

6 Tips for Successful Dating in the Digital Age

Technology has exploded our dating options and put dating effectively on amphetamines. The sheer quantity of choices gives us the feeling that we can and will meet someone through technology. How could we not? And yet, precisely because there is so much choice, we often don’t give the person we’ve met a real chance. If […]

How Long Should I Wait for My Partner to Commit?

Commitment is a topic that brings a lot of couples into therapy. While it has a single definition, it holds infinite meanings. For many people, commitment includes an emotional acknowledgment of a we, in that we are with each other and choosing to be part of the couple. And on a practical level, the possibility then of planning […]

The Key to Intimacy is Radical Listening

The key to deep intimacy in relationship is listening, but listening in a radically new way. Most of us, when listening, are doing one of two things and sometimes both.  First, we are scanning for danger: is there something that our partner is expressing that conflicts with what we experience or believe. If so, then […]

How to Overcome Feeling Insecure in Your Relationship

Most of us feel insecure in relationship from time to time. But for some, it’s a chronic condition that never subsides. Insecurity in a relationship prevents us from speaking our truth, being genuine and honest with our partner and ourselves, and expressing what we really need and want. When we don’t trust the relationship, we […]

Pokemon, No? Putting Down Our Phones to Meet the Real World

Two men fell off a cliff in California playing “Pokemon Go,” apparently, trying to catch characters in the virtual game.  And, I suppose, trying to gain the bragging rights that come with such a catch. It would be easy to chalk this up to a “Pokemon” issue, the distraction of the moment, but it would also be […]

Can We Get Addicted to Disappointment?

Most all of us are disappointed and hurt by our parents, from time to time.  It’s just part of being a human.  But for some, t’s not just from time to time, it’s pretty much all the time.  When the disappointment and hurt is so consistent and painful, we can build a core belief that we will always be disappointed and […]

When We Need Empathy From Our Partner, But Receive Judgment

The other morning, I overheard the following exchange. Besides breaking my heart, it reminded me of the profound possibilities that relationships offer—for connection and also for pain. The exchange: Woman: I am really struggling with this presentation.  I feel so burdened by it, like I have to cover every topic, and there are too many and I don’t […]

Is Virtual Relationship Sexier Than Real Life Relationship?

Can we ever be as cool in real life as we are on text? We all know that teenagers text—a lot. But as the mother of a teenager, I am sometimes shocked by how much a lot can be, and more to the point, the impact that all this texting, virtual relating, is having on our children’s real […]