Nancy Colier

Are You Addicted to Your CellPhone? Tips for Breaking the Habit

With the seemingly relentless and inescapable noise and demands of modern-day devices, getting a mere five minutes of distraction-free time, and dare I say peace and quiet, can seem near impossible. We are living in a time when there is no distinction between “on” and “off” or public and private time. Whether we realize it […]

The Key to Intimacy is Radical Listening

The key to deep intimacy in relationship is listening, but listening in a radically new way. Most of us, when listening, are doing one of two things and sometimes both.  First, we are scanning for danger: is there something that our partner is expressing that conflicts with what we experience or believe. If so, then […]

How to Overcome Feeling Insecure in Your Relationship

Most of us feel insecure in relationship from time to time. But for some, it’s a chronic condition that never subsides. Insecurity in a relationship prevents us from speaking our truth, being genuine and honest with our partner and ourselves, and expressing what we really need and want. When we don’t trust the relationship, we […]

Is Technology Feeding Our Inner Reptile?

This presidential election is nasty.  Perhaps elections have always been so, but there has definitely been an uptick in the nastiness considered acceptable in the campaign process.  Indeed, there has been a nastification of our entire society. Perhaps because I write a lot about technology, someone recently asked me if I think technology is somehow causing this increase in the verbal violence and overall bad […]

When “Helping” Becomes Enabling: Breaking the Cycle of Dependency

Like most people, my journey to the land of enabling was fueled by the kindest intentions. I was trying to help a friend, which then grew into trying to save that friend. But after years of “helping” and “saving,” I was the one going under, and it was myself that I needed to save. As […]

Are You An Enabler? (Part 1)

I am an aware person–and–I was an enabler. My path to becoming an enabler started out as most do, as someone trying to help, and thinking that I could. A dear friend who is also a relative came to me in trouble, having lost her job, about to lose her health insurance and unable to […]

Is Technology Worsening Our Basic Restlessness?

The information age is to the human mind what the age of debauchery was to the human id. Our mind, jacked up on information, images, games, communication and all the other stuff that technology provides, is becoming an impulsive beast that has to be fed continuously. Previous to this explosion in technology, we, the larger […]

Why We Are Addicted to Checking Email… and How to Get Your Life Back

I check email more often than I should, and more often than I enjoy. I am not alone in this. I have clients and friends who check their email up to 100 times per day. Some, even more. Given the amount of pleasure that email actually delivers, it seems that the urge to check it […]

Why Blog?

Today I am beginning my blog.  Why?  Because I have written a book that I am now shopping to agents and publishers.  I am hearing the same thing back from each, “You do not have enough of a platform for us to get behind you.  The material may be fabulous but if we don’t know […]

Are We Only As Important as Our Platform?

I was told by several publishers that I would have to blog in order to strengthen my “platform” and get my book published by a major press.  Sadly, all this technology, this business of getting a platform, is entirely in contradiction to the message of my book, namely, being well.  The UN-Happiness Project: How to […]